Sunday, January 22, 2017


Today straight after waking up I got a bollocking from Ilme for random shit. Then I asked her if she could change the lightbulb in my room cause the lamp in the ceiling is too high for me. AND SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY "DO IT YOURSELF"!!!!! Okay, now I really don't have a problem telling her to do the shit herself that I've been doing for her.
And dunno if I wrote about this yet or not but the other day she got this thermometer for outside temperature. Yeah she wanted me to read the instructions and I said I can't be bothered right now. And then she said "You never do what you're told". Bitch, you are not in a position to tell me what to do anyway. Anyway, that was her admitting to bossing me around. Yeah no, that shit DOES NOT fly with me!

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