Tuesday, January 10, 2017

It's so satisfying, more so than sex

Man, I love turning down horny guys. It's so much fun! It's so satisfying, more so than sex.

Yeah, last week I called Lembit and asked if they had any old speakers left over, for my laptop. He said Lauri has broken all and the only ones that are there aren't compatible with my laptop. He said he can look for new ones for me and I said there's no need. And talked to mum today and she said Lembit had bought me new speakers!! Fuck! :D I feel so bad. I didn't need them that badly. It's just my laptop's speakers are so quiet and I don't wanna use my headphones all the time, especially when snuggling up under my quilt and hitting my head on my pillow. I'm thankful but he really didn't have to. At least they were some cheap ones. Mum will probably bring them over this week.
Oh speaking of that... last night I went to bed at 7:30am, was trying to fall asleep when my mum called me at 7:45 asking if she could come to my place. Well, she had forgotten the key to her workplace so there was nothing to do but to let her in. We bought this nice tunic/sweater for me on the internet. Yay!

Um, what else? Oh tomorrow I have to go see my GP about my white blood cell count and prolactine levels. Just basic blood test I guess.

Yeahh, that's about it :)

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