Monday, January 02, 2017

Oh well...

Okay so my crushie at work who I've talked about. Today I went to wish happy new year to the other janitor at my workplace who works in the garage part of the place. When I went in there, my dude was working and the janitor gave him a wave. So I did my happy new years and shits and went to clean my part of the place. Later on I went and asked my co-worker about the dude she waved at, my crushie. I told her it was a secret. I asked her for his name. Unfortunately she didn't remember. But she said they do talk quite a bit, just not lately and if it comes up she'll tell me. What she could tell me though was that he has a daughter. Fuck! That probably means he has a woman aswell. And apparently he's in his twenties. Oh well...

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