Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Ugh. So I'm feeling better today withdrawal wise. Other than that, ugh, as I stated.
So my workplace is gonna be audited and everything has to be CLEAN! This puts pressure on me. So far I haven't got any instructions on how to perform a more thorough cleaning of the place. I wasn't that bothered about it til I heard the co-worker from the garage say they're moving furniture and shit over there to clean. Ugh. I'm afraid those auditing people won't be happy with my cleaning and then the car shop people won't be happy with me and then the cleaning company won't be happy and I'll be fired. Fuck! I feel like my work is representing the car shop in this case and it puts a tremendous pressure on me and I don't do well under pressure. They'll come by on the 31st of January and 2nd of February. Next monday is gonna be a madhouse. I'll be cleaning all night! And I will take a buttload of Valium to calm myself. Fuck, the christmas party thing was nothing compared to this.

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