Sunday, January 01, 2017

We rock!

Just got back from downtown, fireworks. Yeah, the weather sucks. I actually wished it was snowy, cause it was flatout raining. Which made the firworks a bit poo poo but it was great anyway. I was scared that the big bangs might trigger an anxiety attack. The fireworks were okay in that department. But it was only when I saw the massive crowds of people that I got anxiety. A little. I kept pinching myself like I normally do, just so it wouldn't get too bad. And I kinda got used to it once the fireworks started. So all was good. I loved the people so much! Made me feel so happy to be a citizen of Tartu. We rock! And thanks to the town for the lovely boom and bang show. Love my town! We're the best. For real. Wouldn't wanna live anywhere else. Oh and two random people, one woman the other a dude, wished me happy new year. Didn't see anyone I knew though. Big surprise there!
Anyway, 2016 was the best year of the last 7 years. The time I've been seriously sick. I've managed to stay calm in shops, or at least go into the shop and buy what I need and want, while mostly staying calm. And I bagged a job which I love and can do. Perfect! And yeah I met this guy I talked about earlier... maybe it'll be something beautiful, maybe it'll be something bad, maybe something forgettable, who knows. I'm entirely happy with 2016. Ooh, and I found MGG! :D That dude rocks!
And as I already said somewhere online, if 2017 doesn't get better then I hope things at least stay as stable and good as they are now.
*kisses* *cuddles*

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