Sunday, February 05, 2017

a bunny and a wolf

Okay, I'm sat here thinking about anxiety. I said pretty much everything I have to say on the subject in this post.
What got me writing was what people tell you when you have anxiety. I've definitely complained about this before and now I'm gonna complain some more. I loathe when doctors, therapists, people, anxiety pamphlets say that when you get anxiety to just...breathe. Fuck that! This is a flight or fight situation. This is how it works:
Say there's a bunny and a wolf. The wolf is very hungry, threatening and no bullshit kinda wolf. It needs to feed and it needs to do it now! Do people really think when the bunny goes, "Okay, there's the hungry wolf. I'm not gonna run away or fight it, I'm just gonna breathe," that it solves the situation!? Anyone with a half a brain will tell you the wolf doesn't give a fuck about the bunny's breathing. If it just sits there, breathing, the wolf's gonna devour it. And I've never heard of how a bunny kills a wolf. The best thing you can do, when it comes to anxiety, is get yourself away from the stresser, out of that damn situation, flight.
Fuck your breathing, seriously!

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