Tuesday, February 14, 2017

emotional manipulator

Okay, today sucked. Was told I might lose all of my benefit money. Good news, good news. Maybe will get it sorted tomorrow.
Yeah and then yesterday I started taking a new iron pill - Ferretab. That's iron fumarate, as opposed to iron sulfate. I haven't read enough about them yet to know what the difference is. The second one, I only took one pill and was up most of the night feeling sick and it gave me the poops a little. Good stuff, good stuff.

The only good thing about today was that my crush at work talked to me a little. Was filling my buckets with water in the toilet and he popped in and said hello. Gave me the biggest fright! Then he said sorry two times after he saw me jump. Then asked me if the offices upstairs were alarmed. I said no. And he said he will take something up there then. And I said okay.

Oh and Ilme is giving me her "hurt" voice. She wanted me to go and fetch her glasses from the shop. I said I'd do it on Saturday. Guess she wants them sooner. Whatever. I gave her an option, don't want it, I don't care. She's such an emotional manipulator!

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