Sunday, April 30, 2017

a poor choice

So, Matilda is gone. It had a charging glitch. Maybe it's a normal thing but it would decharge itself when it was plugged in. They wanted to send it to warranty maintenance but I said I don't want a fixed laptop, I want a new working one. I only had the thing for three days.
Now, I want them to replace it or I want my money back. If I get money back, I will buy the same one from the same shop, like same brand and make but obviously a different laptop. There's only one left. I hope it works fine. If I can't get that, I have another one picked out already.
This past week has been all about ringing the customer service and going to the shop. Ugh.

Anyway, I also got to replant my cute little cactus today:
 I went to the shop with mum on friday. We didn't find the cute flower pots at first so I picked up this gray-ish, green-ish one. Later we found the cute ones aswell but I liked this one best. It's simple and earthy. There was one really cool square one but it was too big.
 Put some stones in first.
 The had to put in some "regular" soil which I dug up from behind our house lol. And then I put the cactus earth in it.
It said to water in a few days on the packet but the soil was soooo dry I had to do it straight away. It's too much water I think. The wet patches on the pot are from me wiping the water off the window sill. But later on the pot turned dark all over. Maybe it was a poor choice?
Yeah, I hope it's happy in its new home and will flourish. Maybe even flower. :)

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