Monday, May 01, 2017

So now I'm awake... feeling like crap

Okay, everything sucks right now! I don't have a new laptop, my damn bike stand is hitting the spokes when I'm riding which annoys the crap out of me and then it's my health.
Since last thursday I thought I've been having little cramps and pms. It is sort of unusual for me to have oms for that long. I can't explain the cramps but the nausea and anxiety and shit is probably cause of my damn pill, Olanzapin, that I'm trying to taper off. And this pills has messed up my periods before so maybe the cramps are connected to that aswell. I hope it's just pms though, a bad one. Like I couldn't sleep at all cause I was feeling too sick. I took a cerucal and valium but didn't make it much better. So now I'm awake... feeling like crap.

And I still hope that at least my cactus will thrive out of this horrible situation after the replanting.

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