Friday, May 05, 2017

Should I be worried?

Okay, I woke up early today cause I was too excited about getting a new laptop today. Which I probably won't cause... why would I get what I want!?

Yeah, what got me writing is this... for a while now, think it's only been this year, I read things wrong. Like when I read stuff on the internet, be it on social media or news or whatever. It's really noticable and annoying cause I need to reread a sentence soooo many times. Like, my brain sees words that are not there. Right now there was a sentence that started with "Mother Nature..." and I saw "More Nature...". Like why does my brain invent these words!?!? It happens all the time, several times a day. And when the sentence doesn't, obviously, make sense to me I have to read it several, several times again, before my brain sees what's actually written. It happens both in english and in estonian. Should I be worried? Is it the pills I'm taking? I get enough sleep. I'm not more distracted than usually, before.

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