Saturday, May 06, 2017

Lip smacking

Okay, I've been reading up about my reading problems. Some scary stuff is out there, don't think I have them serious problems. If it gets worse or persists I'm going to the doctor. Although, I did read about long time olanzapine side effects and I saw lip smacking was on the list!!!! I legit have that. Not as in, oh I read it might be and I do it so I must have it. I legit do it all the time, so much that my lips are dry and have to use lip balm all the time. I never knew it was cause of olanzapine. I had no idea why I'm doing it but now I know. This is insane lol. Lip smaking? Seriously!? I've started doing it in the past six months. Good thing is, I'm on 1,25mg dosage every other day and looks like I might get off of it altogether this time.

Yeah and my laptop saga isn't ending anytime soon it seems. Yeah, Miranda is definitely gone. Out of my life. Forever.
I was told by the customer service I can just get a new laptop, go into shop, pick it up and go home. But the shop sings a different song. Have to do new contracts and shit. Ughhhh!!!

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