Sunday, May 07, 2017

super livid

Since I'm super livid right now, and the emotion is fresh here I go....
It's about Miranda.
Right so on the 21st of april I bought a laptop online. It was a friday, next week on wednesday (april 26) it was delivered to the closest shop. I went to get it right away. And on saturday that week, april 29, I had to take it back to the store. It wasn't charging normally. I did ring the customer service a few times to talk about it and they were the ones who told me to take it to the shop, so I did.
The shop said, the problem seemed to be with the charger cause they used the charger they had in the shop and it was charging normally. They said they'd give me a new charger but it needed to be delivered from another shop. They said since I had the computer for such little time they'd replace it and not send it to warranty repair. Cool.
Then they ordered the new charger, the same type as my original one was. Thed charging problem maintained with the new one. They decided the laptop was the problem. They said they were gonna send it to warranty repair. I didn't agree. It was a new and expensive laptop and I wanted a new and working one, not a reapired thing. I said I only had it for three days and I want it replaced. They said, I'd have to make a new contract for the new one, that they wouldn't just replace it like the charger I guess.
That was all in the shop. We agreed in the shop that I'd send a message to customer service and see what they say. Oh and that weekend, I went to the shop 5 times cause when they said if they had any new information they'd call me. They never did, I had to go there cause I didn't have the shop's number.
Anyway, I got home and called customer service, told them the story. They told me to send it in in a letter to have a physical evidence of it all.
Got a reply from customer service. That dude said, they will replace but they don't have any of the same laptop's left. Okay.
By that time I was sure I didn't want Miranda anymore so I had to take the original laptop box back to the shop. When I got there I showed them the letter (I took a pic of it on my phone).
They were like, okay, let's finish the contract then. They gave me a paper to fill. Had to ride to my mum's workplace for her to sign it. And then ride back to the shop.
The thing is, there was another one of those laptops left. The shop dude had ordered it to my hometown for me and it was off the internet, so whoever checked didn't see it as available on there.
So the shop dude said, now we just have to wait til the laptop gets delivered.
I went home and rang the customer service dude cause he had said in the mail he was waiting for a reply from me. So I called, quicker.
I told him it was sorted, that the new laptop was coming. And he said that was news to him. So I told him there actually was one laptop left and it was ordered for me. He also said that the contract doesn't need to be ended, that the laptop would just be replaced. He said he'd call the shop for clarification and call me back.
So he called me back and said, they will just replace the laptop and no contract needs to be ended. So I told him we already did the contract thing and he said he'd call the shop and stop the contract annulment. I asked him like what was gonna happen now and he said that I just have to go to the shop and pick up the laptop when it arrives and don't have to do anything else.
Yesterday I called the shop to check if the laptop had arrived yet (cause as experience has shown, they don't contact me when they say they will). It hadn't. And the shop dude was going on about the annulment of the contract, like we have to wait for it or something. I didn't pay any mind to it cause I was told, I don't have to do anything and nothing will be annulled (by customer service).
Then today I discovered mum had received a confirmation of the annulment of the contract on her email. PLUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to pay 8 euros for the annulment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the actual fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't have a laptop AND I have to pay 8 euros extra to them for it. !?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?!
Like, why are the shop and customer service telling me and doing completely opposite things!?!?!?!?!? I will NOT pay that money, cause I was told the annulment of the contract is not necessary and the annullment will be annulled. If they didn't do it and went ahead and annulled my fucking contract it's on them, they need to pay it, not me.
Fuuuuuuuckckckckck! I just want a fucking working laptop!!!!!!!!! Why is it so fucking difficult!?!?!?!??!!??!!?
I will call both, the shop and that damn customer service dude, tomorrow and chew their fucking heads off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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