Friday, May 26, 2017

still salty af

Okay, there were these people in the street dressed all nice and stuff, trying to talk to people. I thought they were selling something so I just rode past them on my bike.
Then later when I was going home they stopped me. Omg, the dude was so cute. He talked to me with that weird accent. And obviously that's why he was cute. Cause he wasn't estonian. Like I love my people, but we're an ugly bunch.
And to my disappointment he wanted to talk to me about jesus. Fuck! So cute but so messed up. He asked me why I wasn't interested in religion and I said I've seen what it does to people. And then, we were talking in estonian and I asked him if he'd prefer to talk in english "so it would be easier for him". He laughed and asked me if I wanted to practice mine and he was alright talking in estonian cause he was good enough. Like he probably was but I feel bad saying this, I just didn't understand much cause of his accent. The bits I did understand were great, he could really pull a sentence together not stumble and mumble but his accent was pretty bad. So when I asked if he wanted to do it in english I meant "sorry dude, I don't understand your accent". :D
I just didn't have the heart to tell him that cause as I said when I did understand him he was great and he was nice in general. Eventhough he wanted to talk about jesus.

And before that I had been at my mum's workplace and was on her computer. I saw a woman coming towards the cash register so I moved away so mum could serve her. I just wandered off looking at stuff in the shop. Then as I thought they were finishing the payment I walked back up, closer and I'm pretty sure the woman was my bully in high school. :D I kept my distance and stared at her to be sure.
She bought a broom and some little item. When she left the shop I walked up to my mum and said, "I think that was the girl who used to bully me in high school. You should have taken the broom stick and shove it up her ass". Damn, still salty af.

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