Saturday, June 10, 2017

on fire

As per usual, I can't have a nice life. Couldn't sleep last night at all. I don't even know what I felt. Just sick and couldn't sleep. Body went crazy. Took diazepam just in case, didn't make a difference so must have been something else. Thought maybe it was the food I ate, the pork but didn't feel particularily nauseous. Then thought it must have been the iron pill I took right before bed. Ehh, who konws. Anyway, today I feel like death. Have absolutely no energy to do anything. Body feels like it's on fire, not hot but just so... on fire. A weird sensation. Maybe it's an olanzapine withdrawal symptom, who the fuck knows. But I kinda think I'd have the symptoms all the time then not random odd days. I just wanna take some pill to feel beter but don't know what to take. Diazepam doesn't help, have no pains so no use of painkillers, don't have particular nausea to take anti-nausea pills. Would drink coffee to get energy or even an energy drink but my body already feels jittery as it is. I napped for two hours and it made me feel worse. Great. I just don't know what to do with myself. How do I put out that fire in my body? I'm thinking of quitting the iron pills. I'll have the pork tonight aswell, if it makes me feel sick again then I'll know it's the food but if I feel okay I'll quit the pills. I only have three left anyway so... Will call the doc on tuesday for my blood test results. They checked early for iron aswell. I hope they find an inflammation in my body cause I dunno what is going on with me. But the tests will most probably come out fine and it is the good old anxiety/wonky brain making me feel like this, again as per usual.

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