Friday, June 02, 2017

too much for me

Oh my goodness. So much is happening. Dunno how I'll survive this friday.
Have the dentist, well technically today. Root canal. I am shitting myself cause the last time at the dentist I got the worst anxiety. I have never in my life been scared of the dentist. Ever! And I'm still not now but the thought of being stuck in a situation for an hour is... too much for me.
I have been waiting for it for three months and the fucker of a day is here.

In the morning though I will go look at three new apartments cause I've had enough of Ilme. Well she wanted me to do the water, as in write down and calculate the water digits and shit for the water bill. She told me that several times but I was busy on the internet. And then right before going to work, I started getting ready a few minutes early to do the damn water. And this bitch comes into my room all huffy and puffy and says "How many times do I have to call you to do the water? If we can't work this thing out I'll find someone else to help me". Like someone else to live here. And I said I'll do it when I have time and not when she wants me to. And if she is such a hurry she can do it herself. And then she was like "Oh so you don't use the water?". Bitch, I know you shower once a week but you fucking live in the kitchen so you use the water aswell and I've been doing the water for fucking years for you. Anyway, I told her it's not even my duty to do it, cause I'm just a tennant, she's the landlady, she needs to take care of it herself. And then she was like "is it really that hard for you to do it?" And I said "is it hard for you?" And then she said "I am an old person". And I said if you need help with your duties get a fucking social worker, I'm not one, I don't have to do it. And I also said she will never get anyone as conciliatory as me. Like does that bitch really think someone will move in to "help", really meaning do everything for, a random old person cause "they're old" out of their own free time!? Nobody will fucking move in anywhere where they have to take care of some randomer!! Especially when they have to pay for it themselves!!
And she was like "I've helped you" and I was like "Haven't I?"
I've taken out her shit for years, I've done the water for years, I've gone to the shop for her (like she used to for me for a short period) and pharmacies in town to get her medicine, I've rund around like a shithead for her magazine business with her friends (given her friends her magazines and newspapers and brought back stuff from them), I've gone to the cellar for her, several several times.
And she never asks. She thniks it's obvious that I do these things and when I don't or don't do them right the second she wants it done she gets so arrogant and demanding. Like, seriously bitch, I don't have to do this shit! You're just a landlady to me.
Also she espects me to drop everything for her but the second I bring a man over or, OH MY GOD!, have sex with him she has the fucking audacity to come and talk shit to my face about it!?!! Like, she flat out gave me a bollocking for having dudes over and forbid me to have sex. Shut the fuck up bitch!!!!!!
 I am soooooo looking for a new  place. I can't deal with this anymore. I feel like I'm healthy enough for a new relationship and it's never gonna happen if I stay in this shitty nunnery. Fuck, she's such a tyrant! I'm saying, she will never ever get anyone new here. No one will do shit like that for her like I have done. And no one will live here if they can't have a personal life. Luckily for the cunt I'm a natural hermit so I like being mostly alone. Like, she says "understand me, I'm an old person, I need help with stuff", well cunt understand this: I'm a young person who likes to have a personal life and sex.
Fuck! I hope I'll see something good tomorrow. Fuck, I don't need this stress right now along with the tooth stuff. Ughh! At least my new therapist will be coming with me. Maybe it'll help.

Plus I still have a ton to update on from three weeks ago. Been to mum's house twice this year. Three weeks ago and last weekend. I brought my cute baby cactus to town aswell and replanted it. Pics to come.

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