Tuesday, July 04, 2017

pull through, little guy

Okay, sad news. I think I killed my little cactus. It's still very limp and crooked. I touched it. The needles don't hurt, they're super soft and the cactus is squishy. Ugh, I feel so bad. I only wanted to take care of it and wanted the best for it. I have three sticks holding it up right now. Please pull through, little guy! :(

Yeah and I was supposed to take most of my things to the new place yesterday. Mum and her man came in his car but it was pissin' out so we didn't. They just took the bags with stuff I didn't need and took it to their place.

Oh and yesterday I was so tired after work. Came home, bathed, cooked, ate and went to sleep. When normally before going to sleep I like daydream I guess of like "video clips" and "sound", then yesterday the video and sound machine in my brain went on a fritz. I only saw still pics and the sound slurred. Fell asleep very quickly.

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