Sunday, July 02, 2017

the enctrance to my room

Ahh, went to my new place today and got to talk to the girl that lives there. Thank goodness she's young. Seemed pretty normal and nice. I hope everyone will get along and that the owners won't be selling the place and that I can afford it.
Went out to the shops to see the prices of things I need for the place. Should manage somehow. I definitely need a good pan. Preferrably a wok pan, just something large and deep cause I like my stir fry type of things and need loads of space for the veg in a pan. And when they're still uncooked they take up so much space in the pan.
Ahh, I was so happy when I was in my new room today.
Also, I cannot lock my bike onto anything in the building. So I just gotta buy a sturdier lock and just lock the bike so you can't ride it. I hope no one will pick it up and put it in a van or something and ride off with it.
Anyhoo, here's some pic of my room:
 The door is the enctrance to my room.
 My bed and the balcony.
The desk and window.
From the balcony this is the view:
If you look to the left... looks green enough
And if you look to the right...this beautiful industrial looking roof
This is the view from the desk window. I see water! Have to go down there sometime. This dude was feeding birds there :)

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