Friday, September 29, 2017

No biggie!

Okay, last night I bawled. Cause my friend had had a miscarriage. I didn't cry for her but just about the thought of (me) having a miscarriage. Fuck, must be the most horrible thing ever.
And when I found out she had had it she said the doctor had told her it was a "natural selection". Okay, I've always known doctors were stupid assholes but this bitch takes the cake. I've been fuming ever since the weekend over this. If some bitch ass cunt called the death of my child a "natural selection" I'd fucking sue! What is this retarded excuse of a doctor and human being!?!? You can call your own kids natural selections if you don't give a fuck about them but other people do care about their children, waaaaaaaaaay more than to call their deaths natural selection. Fuck what a cunt!
I also found out they don't start investigating until you've had like 3 or 4 miscarriages cause apparently it's all natural and okay to lose a child. No biggie! It's just natural selection. I mean if you take it this pragmatically then all your child really needs when it's out of the womb is some food... and that's it. It's all you have to do. Just keep it alive somehow and it can take care of it itself with everything else. If you teach the fucker how to cook at the age of 2 or 3 you can pretty much move the shit out and get it off your back. If it dies, it just natural selection. I mean you can't actually care about and for your child cause you'd be fucking with nature apparently and the medical system.

Yeah but she's pregnant again. And so is another girl I know. Yeah and I'm apparently growing a polyp in my uterus. Will be going to the doc for that next tuesday. They will take more samples and blood aswell I was told. Then I can also have another ultrasound to be sure I have the polyp. If I don't have another ultrasound then I'll just have the surgery but like....why go under anaesthesia when it's not even a sure thing!?

This would be a good transition to talk about my GP and her antibiotics business but I'm so done with this crap right now.

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