Sunday, November 26, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Such a great productive day! Yay!

Okay. Was a good day! After almost two weeks of shitshow.
So birthday happened aswell. The actual day mum came to my workplace and we did basically half the job. Just the bottom floor and not even fully.
On saturday dad came with my stepmum, my brother didn't come cause he had something bad happen to him and he wasn't in the mood.
Then later on after dad and his wife had left, my mum and her man and my other brother came. Was basic chitchat with both fams.
I had ordered 2 kilos of birthday salad and two banana-chocolate cakes. I had told my mum for years to buy the cake for me so this time I bought two myself. Had to throw out the last piece. Was too much cake :D Next year I'll just get one.
Mum's family gave me a really Stepford wife's gift - a vacuum cleaner. :D I had wanted one for quite a while. I planned to buy a used one. Called Lembit to ask about watts and crap and he said "don't buy a used one, I'll keep an eye out for you if I see a cheap one."
So I got a cute little red one. It's so powerful though. And it's bagless too, woohoo!
Dad gave me some money. Today I went out to waste it. :D
I had bought some more expensive food before but today was the real waste day.
I bought four new pillowcases, a fitted sheet that I'll use as a mattress cover cause the mattress is white. I also bought a yellow bed sheet. I just washed them to use them. The bastard yellow sheet coloured my other stuff though. One of the pillowcases was so nice and blue and now it's bright green. Fuck!
And I bought myself twinkle lights a while ago. not cause of Christmas but cause I like shiny colourful, twinkling lights.
And I bought myself a perfume or something...some Adidas one.
Yeah I went to a few shops today. Walked around Lõunakeskus alone and then went to work and then went to Eeden. Had two cheeseburgers in Eeden. Some woman walking by laughed at me eating them. Oh yeah and had a smoothie and a wrap at Lõunakeskus. I'm evolving!
Then came home and cleaned the place and cooked.
I left the house at 11:45 in the morning and just sat down about half an hour ago. Such a great productive day! Yay!

Also started a new pill last night, the gabapentin. And the shitshow of a fortnight was cause my body was craving olanzapine. So hopefully now I won't crave it anymore or won't feel as bad. Ughhh!
I think why I felt so bad this time was cause I quarter the pill into four pieces. And I guess some pieces don't have as much olanzapine in them and I guess I got the little content pill.
I hope this new little fucker works! It makes me dizzy which will hopefully go away at some point. But if not then I'm willing to live with it for two months if it means I can get off of olanzapine.
I got bruises and menstraul spotting again last time I took the pill.
Oh I also got to see a endocrinologist. She was super nice! The nicest doctor I've met in my life! Was attentive and listened to what I said.
Had blood tests done for thyroid, possibly sex hormones and also liver. She said it's most likely a progesterone thing that I keep bleeding inbetween periods.
She did ultrasound on my thyroid, saw a little cyst, like 0,4 and 0,6 cm or something. She said it can go away on its own. And siad it was a little thicker and a little bigger but no obvious, alarming faults.
Should get my results on monday.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

no clue what is going on

Ok, have no clue what is going on. Started feeling super dizzy at work, or like I was gonna pass out. Have anxiety now and little passing out feeling. Am I sick? Do I need more antipsychotic? Like...what? Ughh, don't wanna up my dose.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I thought I was over this. Guess not

Ugh. I thought I was over this. Guess not. Took a pill on Monday morning at 7am. Olanzapine of course. By the time I got to work I was spotting again. Fuck! And I've been up all night lately aswell. Took the pill then and I slept til 15:30. So it's obviously the pill that's causing my insomnia aswell. Ughhhh!

Sunday, November 05, 2017

all I've done is die

Started my period today. Took a 1000mg of paracetamol and a no spa. Not even an ounce less pain! Fuck! Should have taken ibuprofen straight away. I thought since it makes you bleed more I shouldn't take it when on period but fuck... I'd rather bleed more than have this pain. I mean it's not gonna make me bleed to death ffs. Now I have to wait a few hours to take it and suffer through til that time. Tried to take a nap but someone was drilling something or...something.
The upside is, my mum's man came over today to help me put together the bed my landlord bought me. It's a long story, dunno if blogged before, but my back didn't want to let me sleep on the old bed so the landlord ended up buying a new one for me. Mum's man said it doesn't look like a very sturdy bed so hopefully it doesn't collapse when I'm in it.
Yesterday was super though. I worked at two places. Went in to my regular job to do extra work, for free. I just felt so productive yesterday. Thought of leaving one place for today but I was already spotting yesterday and I thought I'd start properly today and would be dying today and was right. So luckily I did everything yesterday. Today all I've done is die.
Should be better tomorrow.


Saturday, November 04, 2017

Can I have it every night?

Yeah yeah I know I have the dream page but I had a dream I had sex with Matthew Gray Gubler and then with Shemar Moore. To my... dismay maybe?... Moore was better. Fuck! :D Gubler's the babe though. Great dream though. Can I have it every night?

Friday, November 03, 2017

I want a kid

Waaah, I want to be pregnant now! I want a kid for myself. Look at how cute she is. I want one for myself.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

what the shit do you want!?

Omg, I'm going fucking crazy! My back is so fucking annoying. I absolutely cannot sleep. My back gets so stiff and uncomfortable that it keeps me awake. It's my first night on my new mattress.
Before I thought it was my bed. So I moved the old mattress off the bed and slept on it, on the ground. Still no better. Then I figured it must be the mattress. Slept on the little chair pillow on the ground. Too hard, kept me awake, sore muscles. Then I put the chair pillow on the mattress-less bed and slept there. Very bad idea. Sore muscles. And now my apartment owner bought a new mattress and bed for me. The bed hasn't even arrived yet, I'm just sleeping on the new mattress and it's fucking keeping me awake! I have no fucking clue where and how to sleep. My back muscles get so uncomfortable, tense and sore. It used to be mainly on my lower back and now it's all over. And the painkillers obviously don't help against the tenseness and discomfort. There is absolutely nothing I can do! Just sit awake all night. It gets tense even when I just sit here, type on my laptop. It gets tense when I stand or move. Like what the shit do you want!?!?!?
I'm gonna take some diazepam hoping it'll knock me out enough to sleep for a few hours at least without waking up cause of the discomfort. And then I'll call the medical centre straight away for the neurologist. Or maybe I'll stay up til 8 and call, then try to go to sleep.

Oh yeah and my crazies have almost stopped since I took the pill on sunday.