Wednesday, November 01, 2017

what the shit do you want!?

Omg, I'm going fucking crazy! My back is so fucking annoying. I absolutely cannot sleep. My back gets so stiff and uncomfortable that it keeps me awake. It's my first night on my new mattress.
Before I thought it was my bed. So I moved the old mattress off the bed and slept on it, on the ground. Still no better. Then I figured it must be the mattress. Slept on the little chair pillow on the ground. Too hard, kept me awake, sore muscles. Then I put the chair pillow on the mattress-less bed and slept there. Very bad idea. Sore muscles. And now my apartment owner bought a new mattress and bed for me. The bed hasn't even arrived yet, I'm just sleeping on the new mattress and it's fucking keeping me awake! I have no fucking clue where and how to sleep. My back muscles get so uncomfortable, tense and sore. It used to be mainly on my lower back and now it's all over. And the painkillers obviously don't help against the tenseness and discomfort. There is absolutely nothing I can do! Just sit awake all night. It gets tense even when I just sit here, type on my laptop. It gets tense when I stand or move. Like what the shit do you want!?!?!?
I'm gonna take some diazepam hoping it'll knock me out enough to sleep for a few hours at least without waking up cause of the discomfort. And then I'll call the medical centre straight away for the neurologist. Or maybe I'll stay up til 8 and call, then try to go to sleep.

Oh yeah and my crazies have almost stopped since I took the pill on sunday.

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