Monday, December 04, 2017

three kinds of fun

Wow what fun day I had! And the weekend aswell. Had three kinds of fun: on periods, stomach bug and olanzapine withdrawal.
I hope the bug is more or less gone now and I can sleep fine tonight. Shit! I had sleep paralysis again after several, several years. I guess I had a fever and was just feeling sick in general and that triggered major, only physical, anxiety and that triggered the paralysis.
I opened my eyes and wasn't completely all there consciously. I had that typical omnious sleep paralysis feeling but when I had my eyes open all I could really see was the night stand. For some reason I felt it was evil and wanted to scream at it and scare it away but as, again, typical for the paralysis you cannot really make a sound so this pathetic little groany thing came out instead. Yeah crazy night. The good thing was, I was in and out of sleep cause of sickness and anxiety and was thinking constantly I should take diazepam but luckily fell asleep without it. It's a fucking miracle cause the anxiety was sky high.
Yeah and I managed to go to the physiotherapist today. Assigned workout and massage for me. Wanna ask dad for 20 euros. One massage is 10 euros, have to do 4 for starters.
Yeah and been on gabapentin for a little over a week now. Feels great. Don't get the drunk, unbalanced feeling anymore. As I said at the start I get a bit of olanzapine withdrawal. Hopefully I can last longer than two weeks without it or maybe get off of it completely. Which is unlikely right now. Think it will be a few more times of taking it or maybe gabapentin won't help at all and I gotta quit it and try something else.

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