Saturday, February 23, 2019

"I'm humiliated!!"

Also I'm watching the Sex and The City film. I'm not gonna deep dive into the ridiculousness of the Carrie character but it was so funny when Big didn't show up. All he did was not show up. And this dumbass bitch stands in one spot and screams, "Get me out of here!" And I'm like, well why the fuck aren't you moving then!? You're just standing in one spot screaming how you need to get away from the spot, you silly dumbass. And she needs three women to escort her out of the place.
Then Big's and The Dumbass's cars pass in the street. Both people get out. Bitch runs over to the groom and starts hitting him with a bunch of flowers, in the middle of the street. Yelling at the man all dramatic, "I'm humiliated!!". Um... ??? Why the fuck you yelling then and not moving? Why the fuck you flowering the dude in the head and making a scene in the middle of the street? You're humiliating yourself! Stop acting like a fucking helpless child then! I can't believe there's people out there who actually like this character. Mindless goons.
At least it was somewhat funny.

edit: 20:56
Now she's talking about how "he couln't get out of the car!?". Bitch! You're the one to talk! You couldn't move away from the spot you were standing at! :D What absurd comedy!

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