Tuesday, August 06, 2019

too ridiculous

I'm gonna gab for a little longer actually as I have no energy to do anything else.

Okay so the systemic candida thing... I wasn't tested as I talked to the GP and she said it was unlikely and we shouldn't go there right now. And that it's really hard to diagnose anyway. Okay, not mad about it as I don't know anything about this thing really. It was just a thought someone put in my head.

I have my allergy thingy at 175. Was 217. Not the highest but could mean allergy. What am I allergic to? Who the fuck knows. The tests at the allergists didn't confirm mold allergy. Is it a false negative? Who the fuck knows. Been taking all sorts of allergy meds, don't seem to help too much.

Okay so what are my symptoms as of now? Joint/muscle/nerve/tension/ pains in my limbs, aches and tension in my head and ears, often in my face too, around the nose area. Dry, tired, irritated eyes. Nausea ocassionally, buzzing feeling all over my body. Super extreme fatigue/weakness.

It all gets worse around sunnier, warmer, drier days. It's not any of it currently really. But! My body also can't handle physical strain. I did a lot of physical stuff on sunday. And I still feel it.

About the iron I posted... taking iron made it worse for me. But it's not actually caused by iron meds as I hoped. Then the solution to ending my health problems would be an easy one.

Yeah... blah blah blah... Isn't it great when after 30 years of crap you get your anxiety under control and you're thinking "wow, a new lease at life! I can finally live! What should I do? How do I compensate all the things I missed out on for over a decade!? I wanna live life to the fullest! What do I start with, what do I do?" And your body goes, "How about have some more health problems? Why break the streak? Keep doing what you're best at... suffer" Shit! That was sarcasm. I'm not mentally beaten down actually. Yet. It's too ridiculous for me at the moment to be depressed about it.
But physically I do feel like I'm dying.

Anyway... in other news: I cut my hair short. -er. Did it the first time in July and got a trim now in August aswell. Too sick to move and get my phone for pics. But yeah finally felt healthy enough to sit in that chair, stuck for a while. Didn't even get anxiety.

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