Sunday, September 29, 2019


Also I called a place today and the man on the phone said something and I didn't hear.
I wanted to say kuidas but said kurat. :D
I felt so bad about cursing at him for no reason at all. :D I dunno if he noticed or not cause he just kept talking. I couldn't even correct myself or apologise.

laughed so hard

Wow, just played Dominoes with Heid and laughed so hard.
- She asked a question about Kärmas and Kersna and for some reason the only name I got out of it was Margna and just answered the question about him. He was never mentioned in the question nor required at all for the answer.
- Plus I thought initially Europe and Africa are separated by the Warm Sea but ended up saying Black Sea.
- I also thought sherpas were dogs that accompanied people up the mountains.
- Hedi asnwered a question with "Vene riik"
- I thought Austria and Belgium are in each others' places on the map.
- Hedi laughed at this but I honestly didn't know there were volcanoes in Italy.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

her witches

Why  the fuck does my mum watch some damn witch show!?

Think I talked about the show before when I lived with Ilme. She got super mad when I said the show is scripted and the people were actors and attention deprived fame whores.


I just wanted to gab with the mother and she said she was too busy watching "her witches". It's just as stupid as those "talent" shows.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

the little changes in me

I need a man who is just as in tune with me as Rimi...
It's the nuances. Rimi notices the little changes in me.

Friday, September 20, 2019

I "won"

So yesterday I failed quite a bit.
I participated in my very first and also my very last auction.
I basically bought something for 19 euros that is actually worth about 3 euros :D
I had placed the final offer and foolishly only then googled the thing and found out it was so cheap. I was like, please someone make an offer! I don't want the thing anymore!
Of crouse I "won"! :D

Oh well. I just said I paid for the experience of my first ever auction. And I learned my lesson and will not ever participate again. :D

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sure thing, doc!

And I swear I've been thinking of going to emergency myself. But I know there's no point cause they'll tell me there's nothing they can do, it's the GP and specialists' job to take care of my condition.

Shit, I know it all too well. Went to the emrgency last weekend and was told exactly this. I'd love to go now too but nothing will be done so I'm just suffering.
Emergency said they do not do them all over scans. GP said she doesn't refer to the scan. Said the ambulance does it. lol Sure thing, doc! The ambulance won't even take me to the hospital much less will they do a scan on me when the damn ambulance takes me to the emergency. I've been there, they do not do it.

Might have to quit

Okay I'm dying big time right now!
If the doc still says it's cause of allergy on Tuesday I'll throw a fit.
My back is on fire! I have zero physical stamina. I mean literally. I have no clue how I'm supposed to work. Might have to quit.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

at night they put a smile on my face

So yeah, it's dark outside. Obviously.
I love seeing all the dark windows on those blocks of flats around me.
I love how people are being all natural. Doesn't matter who you are, where you are or what you do, you sleep.
And I love how people are doing something so humane together, without realizing it. It is so cute and sweet.
And I love how the dark windows indicate people feel safe and comfortable enough to rest, just like it is in the wild with animals. There's probably someone struggling in the dark but don't think it's the majority. And I most likely couldn't stand probably any one of those sleepers when they're awake.
But at night they put a smile on my face. When you take away all that pretentious and stupid social crap... humans are so adorable.