Monday, October 21, 2019

"something else"

Ughhh, I'm so sick of these damn bats beeping outside!
One of the fuckers flew into my room a while ago and me and Hedi had a long evening trying to get it out.
Had to buy a net for my window cause it's still kinda warm out and I wanna have my window open. But it being warm out also means those damn things are still awake and flying around. Why the hell are they in town!? You can always and forever hear them beeping outside.
And the net in front of my window is too thick for all that good fresh air to poor in and I cannot remove the thing when the bats are still awake!

Plus I think the whole health thing I have going, since february this year and especially bad since august, is cause of allergy. Like for sure.
Apparently, when talking to a doc, my ears have some pressure problems. The doc wasn't an ear specialist but this is something I believe in so I agree. My ears are always popping, my head is a mess and the back of my nose is irritated. I have hives all over my head and arms and sometimes legs. Fuck! I still have very little energy but it doesn't seem to be as bad as it was in august and september.

Apparently I am allergic to some trees/pollen and some grass but my shit started in february and is still going on now in october. The whole of spring and summer were dreadful too.
It is annoying when the allergist doesn't believe I have allergy problems. She sees my levels elevated but says if my nose isn't dripping and my eyes aren't watering then it's not allergy. Fuck! What!?
My eyes are dry, irritated, tired, itchy. My eyelids get red and swallen. So just cause they go dry instead of over watering it's not allergy.
Just cause I do not cough constantly or have tons of runny mucus I do not have allergy apparently. I have lost my voice on countless occassions since february. Every evening I spend with Hedi and we talk and laugh I lose my voice very very very very easily. And it's not just from talking, I just wake up in the morning and my voice is gone and my throat irritated. But no, it's not allergy.
When I do not get a runny nose I do not have allergy. It doesn't matter apparently that the back of my nose has been irritated since october last year, it doesn't matter my nose gets blocked and dry instead. It doesn't matter shit swells up in my head. It's not allergy.
My head is constantly feeling like shit, it's mix between a headcold and high blood pressure. My ears still have intense pressure in them, with shooting pains from time to time. I've had really bad headaches from my sinuses being inflamed. The swelling inside my head/face/ears is driving me crazy! I lose appetite and physical stamina.
It is not allergy when I get hives with increased levels of IgE.

No, it's not allergy. It's always "something else", "psychological". So yeah I'm back on escitalopram, plus pregabalin.

Dunno if I blogged but in september I was on antibiotics, klindamütsiin - another one I can handle, plus an allergy/rhinitis medication Cirrus.
After that I started the psych meds.
Allergist is an ass but put me on Montelucast for a month. Plus prescribed another allergy med for after. Says if this Montelucast med doesn't work then it clearly is not allergy cause "if the meds aren't working it's not allergy". Why don't you go tell that to cancer patients!? "If the meds and therapy aren't working and your cancer won't go away or comes back it's really not cancer, it's "something else", it's "psychological"."
What the fuck kinda logic is this!?
And it is beyond bizarre how when the meds prescribed by docs do not work they don't even start investigating any deeper but just say it's all in your head and that they can't help you. Well fuck! Maybe change jobs then if you're so incompetent!

Monday, October 07, 2019

Home Is The New Improvement

So I'm trying to branch out a little and watch Orange Is The New Black. It was between that and Home Improvement and I decided to watch HI but said I'm gonna watch Home Is The New Improvement.
Yeah... I think you can tell I'm not in good shape right now :D

Friday, October 04, 2019

I hate this!

I pulled my neck this morning!
I hate this!

Plus my head still feels like shit!

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

We laughed


Also me and Hedi asked each other trivia questions for fun today. There was a question about some american president with the initials W.W. We didn't know of this person and the only "unknown american president" (self-proclaimed, ahem) we knew about was Kanye West. And we called him Wanye West to fit the initials. :D We laughed.

And also a question about "Mexican Hairless" turned into a hairless mexican :D We laughed.

Also, a question for Hedi about Santa's reindeer. The ones whose names start with the letter D. She said, "The only one I know was Dixon. That one's for sure, don't know the rest. Maybe Dingo". :D Who the hell is Dixon?!

Oh and there was a question about the mistletoe plant. The colour of it's berries. Hedi said they're red. They're really white. We were both surprised. I said, "It must be some other plant then not holly with the red berries". She said "Yeah, Robert Plant". I said, "Yeah he's white". :D

Ah so much laughter and my head kills me. I am as stress free as I can be without my health problems. This fucking head thing just is never about stress. It must be something else.

they make it so easy

lol you just gotta laugh at the ridiculousness of gen z.
This chick was like, "I don't care, you can call me a snowflake but people get hurt by what people say".
And I simply said, "funny how you mention not caring about what someone calls you but post the rest of your novel about how people get hurt by what other say. It does sound like a snowflake".
And you know what that body positive, empowered female did?
She told me to get fucked and blocked me. :D 
I mean... shit, they make it so easy, for others to see how idiotic they just are :D 

Other than that, my headaches are in full throttle mode. I feel like there could be something serious going on by now. It's not normal to have headaches for two months straight.
Cute how doctors never did any tests. Literally none. No blood tests, no brain scans. They must be of gen z.