Tuesday, October 01, 2019

they make it so easy

lol you just gotta laugh at the ridiculousness of gen z.
This chick was like, "I don't care, you can call me a snowflake but people get hurt by what people say".
And I simply said, "funny how you mention not caring about what someone calls you but post the rest of your novel about how people get hurt by what other say. It does sound like a snowflake".
And you know what that body positive, empowered female did?
She told me to get fucked and blocked me. :D 
I mean... shit, they make it so easy, for others to see how idiotic they just are :D 

Other than that, my headaches are in full throttle mode. I feel like there could be something serious going on by now. It's not normal to have headaches for two months straight.
Cute how doctors never did any tests. Literally none. No blood tests, no brain scans. They must be of gen z.

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