Sunday, August 02, 2009

Been a few days

Right - went to my GP. Lovely man.
Got my certificates for work and social welfare.:)
Will do the rest next week.

Oh took an antidepressant last night, my first ever :
- blurry, jumpy vision
- nausea for the whole night
- shaky body
- strong pressure and pain in the head
Yep, feeling better already!
No need for the rest three packs of them.

Will have to drink some radioactive stuff for ultrasound instead of some doctor making me gag for half an hour by ramming a bloody camera in tube down my throat.
Supposedly it's like a salty smoothie.

Been doing fuck all.
Boyfriend's gone for the weekend.
I am getting better at my violin, though.;)

Oh and I'm absolutely out of money.
Asked a friend for a loan of 50. He was so nice and thought he'll give me 500.
Will see how that goes - meeting him tomorrow or Monday.:)

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