Thursday, September 17, 2009


Boyfriend came over last night.
Finally watched the film Watchmen.
Didn't really like it. Best bit was naked Dr. Manhattan.
Other than that - forgettable.

Some days ago I bought What Happens In Vegas and The Devil Wears Prada (only cause they were the best choices in the 5 euro a film section).
Vegas was kinda crappy - was expecting something better from of Cameron and Ashton.
Prada wasn't too bad - Meryl Streep is a super good actress and Anne Hathaway is a very good looking girl.
Oh and a friend gave her DVD to watch - The Red Violin. Now that's a different film. I would actually recommend it.

Yeah that's about it.

Oh, have to keep track of my pains for the lady doctor - no pains during the two rides last night.:) Haha!

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