Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Jesus, what a day.
I feel like such a rookie when it comes to periods even though I've been having them for a decade.
I've been leaking 'bucketfuls' cause I can't afford pads with wings.
I don't support tampons - they're scarily bacterial infection-friendly.

Had to come home twice when out on town to change trousers.
Went to Social Welfare with my doctor's cert. Money's on it's way!
Talked to my boyfriend last night. He rang me.
I texted him 'No' as a reply to 'Are you OK?'
Damn, I miss him.
Once again he doesn't seem to understand it.
Said I must be crying cause I'm 'bored or something'.
Ugh. Sure.

I can't believe I missed yet another appointment. Was for thyroid x-ray.
So, just a note for myself with upcoming appointments:
Barium meal - Monday 21/09/2009 at 09:30
Anxiety management - 22/09/09 at 10.00 or 10.45

Breath test - Wednesday 11th November 2009 at 09:00
Dr. at hospital - Wednesday 16/12/2009 at 15:30
(Plus hopefully a new appointment for thyroid and a meeting with a woman who heals with hands)


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