Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Today´s the day

Yeah, I´m worryingly calm.
We´ll see what I´m like once I get to the hosptial.
Think I´m relaxed cause I have a bit of self control, over myself aswell as the situations I get into.
I don´t have to do anything I don´t want to and noone can do things to me I won´t let them do.
I know I need to do it, so...hopefully it´ll be okay.
I´m starving though. Been fasting since 3 o´clock at night.
Boyfriend just texted, wished me best of luck.
Said he found Nemo. :D
Well, that was my DVD and it was missing. He had it, packed away in some bag.
Oh well, hopefully I´ll get out of it alive and when I do then hopefully not scarred for life.

Okay so, off to take shower and get ready for my endoscopy.

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