Saturday, January 16, 2010


Wow, this is weird.

Like, I can remember one of my grandfathers.
The one that lived with my grandmother. He wasn't my biological grandparent, but I do remember him.
The "real" one I think is alive, but I've never seen him in my life. I don't think I even know his name. Silver?

Anyway, just now I found out my grandfather from Dad's side of the family passed on 8th of January.
Yeah, I saw him like...once?
And I feel bad, I even felt bad long time ago when that grandad and his wife were both in good health and my father asked me to go over to their house. I never did. And then they got sick and my father stopped asking me to go with him.
And after my grandad died they discovered he had cancer.

Yeah, it's just weird.

Oh and my father is like a super amazing man!

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