Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let's hope it'll be a nice day for once

What a lovely morning!
My room was super warm  and the sun was shining in from my window which made me feel super cozy.
It totally felt like I was in Estonia.
Felt like running out and playing hopscotch with my friends or something.
Then I saw a cat on my neighbour's shed roof, was accompanied by another cat.

Not that interesting, but oh well. I love cats.
Ok, while taking a shower the weather has taken a turn for the worse - it's pissin' out.
And the cats are gone.

 Anyway, while in the shower I started thinking about this video I saw.
It was about people expressing their views on skinny models in magazines and how they 'set standards'. It really grinds my gears that people are so stupid and insensitive towards those girls and dare to blame them for setting a bad example. Those skinny models are not starving themselves for young girls, they're doing it cause they want to reach their dream and they're told to lose weight if they want to reach their goal. It's the people behind the scenes, the idiots who call the shots and have that sick way of thinking. Those are the people who have no heart, they see the girls as walking hangers and the skinnier the girl is the better business they do. So, in my opinion it is tremendously unfair to lash out on those skinny, ill girls.

Running a forum for young girls and seeing 11 year olds talking about diets doesn't really make me want to give out to them. It just makes you feel helpless and angsty cause you know it's wrong but there's nothing you can do, cause there are the 'fashion people' out there whose sick inhumane voice echoes further than your own and who set the bad example to girls with their unhealthy business. The amount of pressure the girls are under is incomprehendable to me.

In addition to that, I don't like it when people are standing up for overweight people saying things like 'Oh, who wants to be a pile of sticks anyway' or 'Men like curvy girls' or 'Big person, big heart' or whatever that is demeaning towards the lean or skinny women.
First of all, who wants to be fat? Secondly, yes there are men who like obese women, there's also men who like skinny women, men who like any kind of women but if talking about curvy, then a fat person doesn't necessarily mean curvy. Curvy means the hour glass figure, genetical big boobs and bum, not jiggling bellies and flappy arms. A skinny person can be curvy aswell.
And if the fat people had as big of a heart as it's made out then they wouldn't go round saying it's okay to be overweight but not skinny.

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