Monday, March 22, 2010

All words

Yeah, so the last few weeks have really taught me that the life on internet is no life.
So there's people who give out to other people when in 'real life' they're as quiet as a mouse, under everyone's thumb.
You can have a big and long following on internet whereas in 'real life' you have no one.
And! On internet you can say stuff like, "Yeah, I want to participate in this project, I will write for my fucking life," or "Sure, I'll do this survey myself," when in reality people just fuck off and you're the one who has to do everything for the same fuckers who failed to carry through their promise.
Number one internet rule - trust and rely on noone!
Shane Dawson, get a proper job!
Damn those people. I hope you'll fail in your final essay.
(This is the first time I've used courier font. It's because it's ugly. In your honour, 'writers'- get bent and up yours!)

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