Monday, March 15, 2010

Change collecting

So, I will stay with this flowery layout.
It's not exactly my favourite, but it's the best I could find and it's fits here best too.

Have some new music, think it's hardstyle. No?
I don't know what it is since I don't normally listen to that kind of music.
But these three tunes I like.
I cut them short and all, just left the best bits.

So, now I have the best stuff out of the stuff I don't like that much.

Yesterday was another sleepy day.
I hadn't taken a nap since I started taking a full dose of Z, but yeah yesterday was a drowsy day.
The tablets make me feel like going crazy, like the time when I went off X.
Mad mad times!
Those tablets really mess with your health and head.
Luckily I will be seeing a psychologist on Thursday.
I hope it'll be a psychologist this time.
I also hope she will be able to sort me out.

Anyways, today I talked to Leanne.
We want to go live and work in Spain, cause it's warm and sunny out there.
Leanne's being kicked out of her mam's house.
Ahh, brings back all the 'lovely' memories from the days I lived with my 'family':
"I think it's time for you to move out, cause you're not part of the family..."
That was my mother having a conversation with me while putting socks on my bother's feet.

-"What's for supper?"
-"Oh, there's some cheese in the fridge, make a sandwhich if you like."
That's my mother having a conversation with me while eating dinner with her man and my brother.
Oh there's so many more of these little warm family moments.

Anyway, me and Leanne said we'd start collecting money.
Obviously the notes will be spent quickly so we're going after the coins and cents.
I have quite a nice little collection of change, hopefully I won't cash it soon to spend it on rubbish.
I want to go to Spain for the sunshine and beaches, she wants to go there to party, drink and shop.
Each to their own.
Hopefully will be able to do it all.

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