Friday, March 19, 2010

I just cooked

I just cooked.
Wow, right?

Bought a stir fry mix - bean sprouts, red onion, peppers, corn, carrot, some white thing.
Plus prawns. I love prawns! YUM!
Plus a sauce - some oyster and garlic sauce.
Plus noodles, egg noodles.
Cooked them altogether.
Seasoning - chili powder and ginger.

Also made a smoothie.
2 bananas
1 kiwi
half of peach and cereal yoghurt

The food wasn't the best, but I was hungry, so stuffed my face.
Smoothie's lovely and sweet.

Also bought Double Decker chocolate.
Yeah it says "milk chocolate with a soft, chewy nougat top & crunchy cereal bottom"
It tastes more like "milk chocolate with a soft, chewy toffee top & crunchy rice crispies bottom" to me.

Anyway, so I went to the shop before all this.
Really didn't like it.
I get really self concious when I'm the only person crossing the road when all those long lines of cars are wating after me.
Mh, I just hate all the traffic and the hustle-bustle.
It's so much better in my quiet little room.

Oh, paid 10 euro for the hospital bill.

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