Friday, March 19, 2010

Rockin' the REM with Chester Jenston

So, I had the weirdest dream this morning.
Had my window open and since there's like a transformers' gathering spot outside my window, the noise woke me up several times.
I guess that's why I never fell asleep deeply and had the chance to have this weird dream.
At first I was bathing my daughter who looked like a rag doll.
She jumped out of the bath and ran outside to play.
I ran after her to put a hat on her.
Then for some reason my bf was after me with no good intentions.
He then turned into my father.
So I got my daughter and we hid in the basement under the stairs.
Then all of a sudden I was attacked by this big burly man, wearing a tight gray short sleeved t shirt.
I kind of saw a sign under the stairs on the wall, that said Chester Jenston...or Jensen.
I was like, "Omg! It's Chester Jenston!"
He was sort of raping me, in doggy style if you must know.
I was freaked out at first and thinking, "Ew, a blond man is shagging me," (he had quite a puffy blond fluff on his head and I don't fancy blond men).
Then I told him, "Hey, this actually feels good."
And, "Can I put my daughter on the ground?"
For some reason we were floating while doing it and I had my daughter in my hands.

Anyway, then I woke up and went online to check who this Chester guy is.
Well, this is what I found when searching for Chester Jensen:
Does this look like a burly blond man wearing a tight gray T shirt?

Chester-Jensen are manufacturers of sanitary stainless steel heat exchange and processing equipment.
I have no idea why I got that name in my head.

Just got out of shower, will try to pay some of that hospital bill today. Got my money.
Feel shitty though...must be PMS.

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