Friday, March 26, 2010

Messed up friends

So, when I was about 11 I was friends with this girl who ended up in a madhouse cause her parents were divorcing and fighting and what not.

Then a few years later a childhood friend of mine ended up in jail because of drugs and robbery and stuff.
And I received a mail from my mother the other day that the girl's pregnant again (the first time she wasn't put to jail when she was supposed to cause she was pregnant and had her baby and had to feed it and such). And so she's pregnant again and her man is beating her really bad.
And her brother drove a car to another town to get away froma drunk father or something. When he was 11.

So and now, another firend of mine is really messed up. She's being kicked out of her house by her mother and she had to walk out of her job, cause she didn't want to go in without taking a shower for a week.
And the "lovely" managers at the work place obviously complained that, "Oh what a bother, we have to find someone to cover you, blah blah blah". Have you been kicked out of your house by your mother or been homeless, bitch?! No? Then shut the fuck up and find someone to cover her! Gobshite managers!

Will get the girl to come and see a shrink with me next Tuesday at 10.

Been messing around with the Sims patches, confusing and time consuming...and byte consuming.
The bill will be a high one, I can tell ya.

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