Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fuck rock

Gah, here I am again ranting about people who like rock.
Like, whatever.
Who gives a fuck if people write their own songs and play their music on instruments themselves.
Some people play an instrument, some people sing.
Some can do one thing and others can do both, with or without the ability to write songs.
Like for example, Justin Bieber.
Okay, he sounds squeeky, but so what?
He's famous cause people like him.
You can play your damn shitty guitar and write your crappy rock songs and not get famous and it's not cause Justin Bieber is in you damn way but because you're not fucking likable.
If you're any good you'll get recognition no matter what.
Just because Justin Bieber is famous doesn't mean any rock band cannot get famous or successful, no need to blame Justin for your shitty song writing talent and inability to make it big.
It doesn't mean Justin Bieber is just eyecandy without talent, it means that your damn rock band is shitty. Take some goddamn responsibility for your own damn mistakes and start making good music to get somewhere.
And I'll be damned if there is any guy out there who wouldn't like a herd of girls running after him.
Jealous much?

And if you're such a big rock music fan then what the fuck are you doing listening to the radio?
It's really a common knowledge that radios play popular music.
If you're such a fucking rocker how on earth do you even know who Justin Bieber is?
God, it's just the narrow minded assholes rock music lovers who are so damn intolerant towards other music styles.

I fucking write poetry and like classical music and I have nothing against Justin Bieber.
I value songwriting and instrument playing, but like... people who like rock are just damn shitheads.
Get bent with your U2 and Led Zeppelin.

There was music before that cunt of a genre and there's music after that.
So if nowadays music is crap, then well... I like classical music and I can say yeah that era is good anything after that is crap, especially rock - you know, the "new music".
Jaysas, what shitfaces you are, you rock music lovers!

Like I said before who gives a fuck that rock music is "hard to compose", because it sounds shit.
There is no aspect that makes it hard to compose, maybe just the fact that it's so shitty and boring that the composers feel like it's such a drag.

Justin Bieber is absolutely normal as a singer. He can sing and he's likable. If you cannot top that or raise to the same level then shut the fuck up and start working, you jealous pricks.

And if it's just a listener who has a problem with him, well, what's it got to do with you?
He's not fucking releasing music for you, so don't fucking listen to him.
And as I said earlier, radios play popular songs and if you're favourite band is not played, again, it's not Justin's fault, it's just that your damn band is too shitty for radio. If you're not happy about it, rant to your goddamn band about it not Justin. He's doing his own thing to his own people.

In addition

I believe you become a musician or a singer for the love of music and want your lyrics to be heard heard. If you so love it then keep making your soundslikefart. Noone's fucking stopping you.
If you want to make it big, then you're after the money. And if you're saying Justin is so talentless and what not then well, he's doing something right, he's got money making people behind him.
Making Justin still better than you.

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