Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I've seen you in a fight you lost

Wow, a psychologist's job is a lot harder than I thought.
Had this weird session on Tuesday.
Very confusing and all over the place...with emotions and thoughts and what not.

Anyway, I've been so tired and sleepy.
I dunno what it is, thought my body would be used to the tablet and the dose.
Or maybe it's just that I'm not used to walking around and doing things.

Yeah, the acting course didn't start so.
And my profile isn't up yet.
And received another letter from another place asking for photos.
I was gonna get Katriona to take pics of me, but she had a tooth ache, so I left it.
Might take the pics tonight.

Boring stuff, I know.

Oh, it was my Dad's and his wife's birthday on the second of April.
Rang Dad.
Was working so couldn't really talk.
His wife rang me today, had a little chat.
Very lovely woman.

And it was my mother's birthday yesterday.
Sent her a text.
Oh I got a mail off her.
They got a pet dog.
A dog?!
I think it's name's Nopi.
She said the dog makes my brother happy so ...I guess dogs are useful for some things.

Uum...yeah I forgot why I came to write an update to my blog...

Anyway, this Friday is Glee day. Yay! :)
This season apparently will have another Artie episode.
Oh I love the sound of that.
Kevin's the shizz!
He's a bit too pretty and clean cut though.
I'd like to see him when he hasn't had a shower or any grooming for about 4 days.

Oh and this girl's got a lovely voice:

(There's a video on Youtube if you look for it)

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