Friday, May 28, 2010

Have to talk money.

Ugh, have to go to Social Welfare and talk money.
1) My illness benefit will end in July - is this for sure? What will happen next?
2) I have to send in a monthly cert now instead of weekly cert - what's the deal with that and how often will I be paid then?
3) Will I go on unemployment benefit once the illness benefit ends - How long does it take to set that up? Can I start setting it up now?
4) Will I get the unemployment benefit even if I have a job but am unfit to work? * it's not my fault the damn healt system is so fucking slow and that they make me wait for months and months for tests til I lose my job and illness benefit.
5) What if I will quit my job?
6) Can I have a part time job when I'm on illness/unemployment benefit?

Yeah, that's basically it.
I hope they'll give me straight answers.
Ughh, really don't feel like talking about this shit.

And I had this weird dream of myself.
I was drinking tons of water, but couldn't fulfill my craving.
The water wasn't cold and wet enough.
Drinking water now, with ice cubes.
Can't chug it like in my dream, will be full after a half of the glass.

Gahhh, laters so.
Crappy stuff ahead.

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