Friday, May 28, 2010

The lost battles of everyday life #1 and #2

#1 - a bitchy lady with an evil eye barging into the shop with a shopping trolley when you're on your way out of the shop. She won't let you out before she comes in or say thank you when you let her in first cause she's a bitch and if you through a sarcastic "you're welcome" at them, they'll chew your head off... with their evil eye. (K contributed to this)

#2 - when talking at a customer serving place about your actions and rights, the manager is always right. Not you, not the customers.

 - Went to SW, sort of got things cleared up, not sorted yet
 - Pre-paid for Ambitions
 - Paid 20 euros for my hospital bill from December
 - Oh and before all this, I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to find this damn letter from SW which I still haven't found. Don't you just love a good PMS?!
 - Went to Lifestyle and Champion to buy a badminton racket and a shuttlecock. Was told to go to Elvery's
 - Also bought Mystery Case Files - Huntsville (they didn't have the newer ones. Boo!)
 - Bought roast chicken in Tesco. Cooked rice, musroom sauce + veg - peas, beans, corn

Then played the sims. Wow, I have so much going on at the minute.

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