Sunday, June 13, 2010


 Warning! "Severe" cursing!

Oh my god, I've done something monstrous.
I called EA people cunts.
I mean oh my god, what a bitch am I?
The cheese dicks banned my account.
And damn you, you shitty little fucker who reported me!

Ah well, I guess I saw it coming.
You can never say what you really think cause you'll be... ignored.
Damn, well my "bf" wanted a get away holiday.
Looks like I'm willing to let him pay for my holiday and we'll go to America.
(No, no Spain or anything like it. If we're doing a holiday, we're doing it big)

Damn, I gotta go to the EA offices and really show them what an unsatisfied customer looks like.

Well, here's the post that got me banned:
Ah well, I'll give them a ring and see.
I won't be wating on hold though - too expensive.
If I don't get sorted straight away, I'll hang up and... cry tears fo
They're such c u n t s for treating you like that, damageincracing.

Hey, why don't you try and sell the games on ebay or some place like
that. That's what I'll do. Sell them for a tenner or so, at least you
get some money back.

And this is me "appealing this sunspension":
Well, hello!?
Why do I get banned just cause I call someone a cunt?!
EA people are treating their customers with problems like shit.
I don't mean it in a "cursing" kind of way, but in a literal sense.

I wasn't even talking to anyone of yous EA people or said some guru was a cunt. If you can treat people like shit then why can't your customers say what they think about you?!

So, now what!? My game isn't working, I cannot complain about it, I cannot get a refund. Wow, you're like the best ever people. Thank god, at least
you know how to click a mouse and ban someone cause you sure can't release a working game or a decent update.

Get me back on the forum, I'm well aware of the rules.
Do you know how to create a working pc game?
Hm, does it sound like I'm getting back on? Er... don't think so.
Yeah, keep the fuckers on the forum who kiss your filthy arses.

It is not my bloody job to fix my computer in order to play your broken game!
In the words of Eric Forman impersonating Red Forman, "You fix it, dumbass!"
Anyway, here's the lovely thread.

And what it so bad about a cunt? Would I have been banned if I had called the people pee-pees?

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