Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not that much going on.

Well, since you cannot get a picture of Kevin without that black haired "best friend" these days, I've decided to find someone else to fancy.
I seriously don't wanna see those two slobbering all over each other in their "best friendly" manner. It'll give me nightmares, I swear.

So I've been looking at pics of some chaps.
Well, first in line was Topher Grace.
Yeah, he's like good looking and in my favourite TV show, but I just don't fancy him.
I also looked up Charlie Simpson who I used to fancy.
Nope. He's not doing it for me anymore.
I was quite desperate for a while and even looked at pics of Zac Efron.
Er... no. I don't care how big of a Hollywood eyecandyt he is.
Oh and the lad from Skins.
No, not doing it for me.
Oh and Harry Judd.
He's decent, but no.

Well, maybe I'll get lucky and find someone realistic to fancy.

Oh and I just gotta advertise it more:
I just love the game!!!

Been watching some films over and over again.
Went for a walk alone, texted people.
Not that much going on.

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