Monday, July 05, 2010


So after several nervous breakdowns I managed to get to my home country.
And what a glorious country it is.

I changed my mind several times on the night of the flight.
I was too scared to fly.
Then some kid got sick when we (me, a woman and her son) were waiting for the plane after going through the gate thing that detects metal or something.
So, like we were very much ready to go on the plane and the kid got sick.
I was so disgusted I decided to leave, go back to my Ireland home.
The woman got a hold of me and wouldn't let go, that's why I boarded the plane.

I told the plane people that I'm super nervous and if they had anything for it.
I got a pill off them.
Think it was a tranquiliser.
During the take off I just closed my eyes and held on to the woman.
I was scared through the whole flight.
I started to feel better when we were landing.

Loads of other stuff happened but it's just too negative and depressing I don't want to talk about it.
Well, it's all about me being scared of flying.

Anyways, here I am now and here I will stay.

I was collected by my mum, her man and my brother L.
We drove out the capital and stopped at a place that served food.
I had two cheese-tomato-cucamber sandwiches and some of my brother's chips.
That was the most I'd eaten in days.

Then we headed out to my father's house.
On our way there we passed my father's workplace.
Well, I kind of knew he worked at a place called something like it.
I went it and asked for him.
Luckily, it was his workplace.
He was at a meeting when we got there so we had to wait for him a a bit.
I talked to a man there and said I'm my dad's daughter and haven't seen him in years.
All went well.
He came out, we hugged, he asked how I was doing, I said I was tired and hadn't slept all night, then he said to go home and relax and I said see you later then.
So we arrived at my dad's place.
My other brother was out, the one that lives with my dad like.
He recognised us straight away.
There's also a young girl here aswell.
She has the same name as me and is my father's wife's sister's daughter.
Later on her brother will come here aswell.
Just for summer holiday.
And once everyone leaves, the family will be me, my dad, his wife IR and my brother A.
I'm just gonna stay here for a while.
I planned to go with my mum, her man L and my brother L, but everyone told me to stay here and relax.
I also planned to goto the nearest biggest town to get a haircut and buy my own computer (I'm using my brother A's computer. He's on it non-stop). (I only got on it cause IR told him to go out, cause it's too nice out to be inside all day.)
And yeah, so I planned to go with my mum cause my mother lives closer to my hometown.
Before going off to Ireland I used to live in a town called Tartu with my mum and co.
But they moved houses.
Now they live outside the town.
Yeah I wanted to go to Tartu to see my friend and her baby.
I guess I'll do it one of these days.

Tomorrow I should be going to Viljandi to get a haircut and buy my own computer.
Like what the hell is going on with the prices in Estonia?!
I bought a facescrub for 80 moneys and a computer costs 150 moneys.
I mean that is totally normal in an abnormal country with abnormal pricing system.
Whatever, I'll just wash my face with a soap and buy an even more expensive and better computer.
I just need to play the sims!

Other than that.
I'm absolutely wrecked.
I slept for like an hour and a half.
Then me and IR went to see if a woman needs us to collect her strawberries.
She said someone else was coming today but we can go tomorrow.
Was good though, cause it's very hot today and you wouldn't want to be gardening more than a few minutes in this weather.
And that's quite a climate change for me.
I mean it was nice and sunny in Ireland but the wind was so high and cold.
And it kept showering several times throughout the day.

I think we might go swimming today when my dad gets back from work.
I told him I'll just sink to the bottom cause I'm too tired to move myself in the water.
I'll just go along anyway.
Strut around in my bikini and scare the locals with my pale bubble butt.
Yeah...I'll just leave it at that.
Have to be quick before my brother comes back inside and wants to play one his games.
I think it was something like Alexander or Some Run Thing.
I dunno.

Oh and another thing.
I cannot find my camera and I'm so bummed about it.
I'd be pissed off but I'm too tired to feel that kind of amount of a feeling.
I absolutely wanted to take pics of the place we had our little breakfast.
It was like a shop-caffe type of place, we ate outside.

Alright so.
I'll wrap it up.

Hopefully I can take loads of pics with my phone and upload some. :)

Oh and just in case any moderators or admins of my forum are reading this - I had my username and password on the automatic login thingy in Ireland so I never had to sign in manually.
And I have no clue what my password is and I can't sign in til I remember it.

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