Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All sims

Okay, I'm really hoping for a new computer.
I tried installing Sims 3 on my brother's computer but there were some errors.
Was told that the computer was too old, but I don't believe it.
Okay so... then there's my mother's computer and my other brother's laptop.
I hope I can install the game on one of them.
Just texted my mother to bring the laptop with her when she comes to visit me this week.
Once I have it, will text my father or stepmom to bring the Sims discs.
If it all fails I'll buy my own computer.
But I'll get to do that only when I get my some sort of a benefit money.
Talked to the psychologist and she said she'll try to get illness or disability benefit for me.
I really want my game to finally work cause I haven't had the chance to play Ambitions and there's a new EP coming out already!

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