Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Papa don't preach!

Last night my father started preaching. Or whatever you call it.
I swear, he talks to me like I'm 15 or something.

I told him I wasn't listening to him and that I was busy on my laptop.
Then he was like, "Oh, do you want me to take it away from you to make you listen?!"
Like, what the fuck?

I'm nearly twenty-fucking-five!!!

I swear!!!
And the preaching started cause I had one dirty plate on the table.
Like, me and my stepmum are the only ones washing the dishes so...
I don't leave my dirty stuff lying around, I was just busy on my new laptop to wash the damn plate straight away.
And then my father started saying how I live my life all wrong and that things start to go wrong when I do small things like leaving dirty dishes behind, like when I do small things wrong.
I mean like what the fuck?

And I was like, "I'm not gonna jump and run around just as soon as you tell me to do stuff".
Then he was like, "No, you're gonna do stuff when I tell you do to stuff."

I swear!!!

I told him to get over the plate and think of what he's saying.
I'm never gonna listen to someone who thinks they're word is the word.
And there is no way I'm listening to a preaching parent at twenty five.

God damn, I swear!

Oh and when he said I live my life wrong I was like just because I don't live my life his way doesn't mean I'm living my life wrong. And then he said something something, blah blah blah. I just blanked it. (Was busy on my laptop, as I said)

He's so darn bossy it's unreal.
I've never lived with a man like that.
I've never had to follow a man's orders so... it's gonna be difficult.

Oh and like I said me and my stepmum are the only ones doing the dishes.
My stepmum cleans the house and is totally taken for granted.
If this is my father's way of living life the right way, then the more reasons I have not to listen to him.
And, damn, next time I won't wash his darn plate.
Wash it yourself, papa.
Live life the right way, when the small things need to be done the right way.
Clean the damn plate and house!

Gah, unreal, like!

Plus, he came into my room and he got cold cause the window was open.
He closed it and said I will get cold.
I mean like, if I get cold I will close the window.
I had just opened it cause I wanted fresh air.
And,  then bam! when he is cold everyone in the damn apartment is cold.

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