Saturday, August 14, 2010

Will be gathering beetroot, carrots and potatoes soon.

No that many news.
I still like a bit of gardening.
Went to gather onions yesterday.
Loved it.

Will be gathering beetroot, carrots and potatoes soon.

I don't know what it is, but people never plant enough peas.
I love peas.
My stepmom said she planted loads but the seeds must have been bad cause nothing really grew out of them.
Had the few peas that were there and then ate beans.
Almost the same.

The parents are working today so I might go down to the garden by myself.
There's this little cherry tree bed that needs weeding.
Will have to wait til the evening, it's way too hot today.

Speaking of hot, texted the "bf" and he's kind of distant.
Maybe cause he's so into his holiday in Portugal or maybe he's up to something else. Or someone else.

Hmm, what else?
Oh right, I bought my medicine yesterday and it was expensive.
It was near 700 moneys.
Cipralex and Esprital.
The second one has mirtazapinum as the active ingridient and it's the same one I started taking in Ireland.
They put me back on that cause it increases apetite and makes me sleepy in the evening so I get a good sleep.

Yeah, that's about it.
Oh oh, I've taken quite a few pics with my phone but don't have the USB cord.
Once I get that I'll upload some pics, some are quite cool.

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