Tuesday, September 21, 2010

be all pubertious with your family

Today was another lame day.
When it comes to my dad, that is.
He just has to make everything a problem.
It's unreal, like.
I will never be the kind of daughter he wants me to be.
He just needs to accept it.

Other than that I finally got the new look for my forum done.
Wow, what long few weeks I had creating it.
Plus, some girls decided to go all puberty-mad on me.
Seriously, I don't care your hormones are messed up.
If you're posting crap on my forum you're banned, you can be all pubertious with your family, I don't need that shit (and neither do the stable members of the forum). I'm not your damn mother so behave!
I'll deal with it once I have my own kids.
But all the hormone filled nervous breakdowns (on the teenage girls' part on my forum) aside I like my forum.
I was just doing a proper clean out in my mailbox:
I had fifty fucking-seven-pages of messages.
I got most of them deleted. This was left:

The other day there was a Disney film on or some film of the sort.
Was with the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato.
I was so sure Miley Cyrus was gonna be in the film aswell. :D
Well, Demi Lovato is such a great singer.
I like her a lot.

As for the Jonas Brothers - hmm.
I really don't know if you can call it singing.
I don't hate the Jonas Brothers but they kinda just grunt and puff and wail.
It kind of reminds me of oinking.
And the main guy - I cannot remember his name at this point - I'm thinking of Tom but I know it's not it - he looks weird performing.
Like, he looks okay I guess and you wouldn't think a guy who looks like that sounds and moves like he does.
I'm rooting for the young curly haired one.
He's decent.
And judging by pictures of tehm I though the Kevin guy would be decent, but he was the weirdest in the film.

Anyway, Demi Lovato's voice was great, everything else was crap.

I mean can't they really think of any better plot for the film other than "I lost the competition, but won in life".
As Michael Kelso said, "Who wants to watch a film with a message like that?"
The other week there was a film with Hilary Duff in it and it was exactly the same.
The difference was that she can't sing like Demi.

Yeah so I started blabbing about Disney stuff and forgot why I started writing my blog in the first place.

Oh well.

Oh oh I just remembered.
It was about my forum.
So I deleted a bunch of emails and I got to read some of the emails that were sent to me when I opened the forum.
That was like almost a year ago.
And we were promoting the forum on this other forum and the moderators there deleted all posts that had tmy forum's address in it so people started emailing me asking for my forum's address.
Ahh, good old times. There was no hassle or anything.

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