Sunday, September 19, 2010

I totally wanna woman up.

I think I might develope OCD of some sort soon.
I m washing my hands a hundred times a day.
And I m doing it cause it s so damn cold - need to keep my hands warm.
When do they think it s time to get the heating working? In spring?

There was a fair in town yesterday.
Me and stepmum bought some plants - flowers and two bushes.
I had to dig two holes in the ground.
Was so out of breath and tired.
I m so unfit.
But really - what s working out all about anyway?
When I work out, I only move myself til the point where I start sweating (I hardly ever reach that point).
Like, what s so beneficial about sweating while running at the same spot?

Plus, my body needs fat.
I mean I gotta look appetizing as a mate. :D

Oh and the other day, when I was unpacking a suitcase full of clothes, I was like, ""Damn, I have so many clothes, how come I never have anything to wear".
And I was talking about clothes to my stepmum and she said there is a saying about men and women and it goes like this: When a woman has nothing to wear it means she has no new clothes. When a man has nothing to wear it means he has no clean clothes.
And I can totally relate to the saying about women. I was just thinking that. I have enough clothes to wear a different outfit every day for about two weeks. Yet I feel like I have nothing to wear. I just need to refreshen my wardrobe once in a while.
And while I m not one for style and clothes I really really do feel like buying a little something. And right now I m thinking of buying shoes and skirts.
I totally wanna woman up.

Another thing.
I have to make a schedule of studying stuff.
Like, biology on mondays and tuesdays and geography on wednesdays and thursdays or so.
Gah, I don t know how I ll do it yet.

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