Thursday, September 30, 2010

I wish Kevin McHale got a new job.

Saw Glee the other day.
The Britney episode.
Well, what can you expect?
And rubbish was delivered.
It was really like...nothing so I don't even have anything to say.
I wish Kevin McHale got a new job.

Oh, I baked yesterday.
Nothing really turned out that nice but whatever.
Made a salad, it doesn't have any flavour.

Made a cake and it tastes like a sugared fried egg.

And I made some cheese/paprika sticks.
Those aren't as bad but they're not the best.

Oh well.

Gahh, I'm freezing!
It's so cold out.
I'm so not used to this kind of cold.
I thought my winter coat was warm but I seriously need to get something warmer.

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